Creates or updates an array of users in the project
The request body is of type object.
Enable : boolean
set it to true to enable the user.
PasswordExpiresInDays : number
password expires in number of configured days.
Password : string
Password for the user.
Resources : Array[string]
An array of resources that mapped to the user.
RoleID : string
The Id of role.
UserID : string
The Id of user.
UserName : string
The name of user.
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DynCreate : boolean
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The response body is of type ItemsPostResponse.
The collection of results from the users create/update operation
The results of the create/update/delete operations.
NumSuccesses : number
The number of items that were successfully written.
NumFailures : number
The number of items that failed to be written.
WarningsMask : integer
a bitmask of warning conditions (e.g., WarningLicensePointCount)
ItemResults : Array[ItemResult]
The results for each item in the request array.
Success : boolean
high level result (success true, failure false)
StatusDetails : integer
a value giving more details about the status (e.g., SuccessNew, SuccessModified, FailureDupInRequest, FailureDupInObject, and then a bunch of FailureXyzzy, ...)
WarningsMask : integer
a bitmask of warning conditions (e.g., IE_SNF_NO_GLB_TRIG_MSG)
Message : string
(localized?) message about the result, probably empty for successes
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